Key navigation.

Number of hours
Number of renewals
Start date
End date
Real Estate
Louise Fisher
1-2 times
EnterOpen the editor in the selected cell. If the editor is currently opened - close the editor and save changes
EscapeClose the editor of the selected cell without saving
ArrowUpMove selection to the previous vertical cell
ArrowDownMove selection to the next vertical cell
ArrowLeftMove selection to the previous horizontal cell
ArrowRightMove selection to the next horizontal cell
Ctrl+ArrowUpMove selection to the first vertical cell
Ctrl+ArrowDownMove selection to the last vertical cell
Ctrl+ArrowLeftMove selection to the first horizontal cell
Ctrl+ArrowRightMove selection to the last horizontal cell
Shift+ArrowUpMove selection to the previous vertical cell (with change the selected cells, it doesn't work with 'complex' selection)
Shift+ArrowDownMove selection to the next vertical cell (with change the selected cells, it doesn't work with 'complex' selection)
Shift+ArrowLeftMove selection to the previous horizontal cell (with change the selected cells, it doesn't work with 'complex' selection)
Shift+ArrowRightMove selection to the next horizontal cell (with change the selected cells, it doesn't work with 'complex' selection)
Ctrl+Shift+ArrowUpMove selection to the first vertical cell (with change the selected cells, it doesn't work with 'complex' selection)
Ctrl+Shift+ArrowDownMove selection to the last vertical cell (with change the selected cells, it doesn't work with 'complex' selection)
Ctrl+Shift+ArrowLeftMove selection to the first horizontal cell (with change the selected cells, it doesn't work with 'complex' selection)
Ctrl+Shift+ArrowRightMove selection to the last horizontal cell (with change the selected cells, it doesn't work with 'complex' selection)
TabMove selection to the next horizontal cell
Shit+TabMove selection to the previous horizontal cell
PageUpScroll Grid up to the height of the visible content (without changing the selected cells)
PageDownScroll Grid down to the height of the visible content (without changing the selected cells)
HomeNavigate to the beginning of the Grid content (without changing the selected cells)
EndNavigate to the end of the Grid content (without changing the selected cells)